Balneus Mea
NATURAL POOLS & G offers to its customers elegant solutions for the construction and designing of swimming pools, SPA and whirlpools in your gardens and your homes.
The whirlpool bathtubs are increasingly present in our daily life : we now realize how a relaxing bath can improve your hectic day providing relaxation and a feeling of well-being.
Having a real hydromassage incorporated into your swimming pool is surely a great advantage that combines a relaxing effect of a pleasurable outdoor experience, while enjoying the company of friends.
We can design bespoke bathtubs and swimming pools.
We consider each customer’s unique needs to craft our bathtubs: we customize every installation advising and assisting our customers throughout the entire project in order to give them the most suitable solutions.

“Customise your swimming pool is our priority, paying close attention to details and demands of our customers.”

Traditionals System
Natural Pools & G
is an Italian company that has filed an extremely innovative new patent in the domain of swimming pools realized through layers of quartz and resin.
Today Sorgiva is the most versatile technology you can find on the market. The name Sorgiva (spring in English) emphasizes the main feature of this patent through which the water, filtered, is led under the finishing layer of the pool in order to flow out diffusely through the entire surface…
Traditional system:
• visible inlet fittings;
• no equal distribution of water all over the pool;
• stagnation of water on the coating;
• growth of algae and bacteria;
• difficult maintenance.
Sorgiva Technology
That is possible thanks to the interstices present in the first part of the structure that, by incorporating the hydraulic system, become saturated with chlorinated water, sterilizing it from any possible alga. Many attempts have been made adding directly some dye into the filter system, and we noticed a quick spreading through the first layer, passing under a light pressure and then crossing trough all the thin quartz finish. Eliminating the inlet fittings we have improved the pool appearance.
Sorgiva System:
• no visible inlet fittings;
• equal distribution of water all over the pool;
• optimal disinfection of the swimming pool;
• natural appearance of the entire reservoir;
• comfortable and optimal maintenance of the pool.